Tel : +33 4 93 89 80 89

The 7th of May, Help is mooving to it's new adress : 213, Bd du Mercantour in Nice

35 000 vehicles between Europe

Actor of the automobile logistics, help works for you soon 30 years into two activities : the repair in the event of an accident or of breakdown of your vehicle and then the national and internatinal transport of vehicles.

It is to meet the needs of cars dealers of Nice, that help began its activity in 1970.

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Transport ? Breakdown cover ? Ask us now !

About Us

En panne sur une route de campagne dans l’arrière pays, Help est intervenu très rapidement...


  • 213, boulevard du Mercantour
    06200 Nice
  • 288 route de Cannes
    06130 Grasse
  • +33 4 93 89 80 89
ROM - Agence de communication - Nice